Weather Conditions, Category Libraries, Lanark Highlands Little League (Lanark Highlands Ball)

All Category LibrariesDocument Library Items
  • Documents
    Weather Conditions
    Created: Oct 12, 2023 2:35 PM, Updated: Oct 26, 2023 2:41 PM
    This library contains helpful information regarding weather conditions.
Items in this Library
  • .docx
    Weather Conditions
    In this library, parents/guardians, players and coaches can see our leagues protocols for different types of weather conditions.
    12.3 KB
  • External Link
    Signs & Symptoms of Heat Related Illnesses
    This link will help parents/guardians, players, coaches and umpires identify heat related illnesses and what to do.
  • External Link
    Tips for Preventing Heat-Related Illness
    This link will give parents/guardians, players, coaches and umpires tips on how to stay cool and hydrated during the summer months.